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Faculty of Science

Work Health and Safety - Lab Safety




  • Induction
    • All staff and students requiring independent access to a lab must complete a Hazardous Substances Induction and show the resulting certificate to the relevant lab manager.
    • Each user must undertake an induction specific to the laboratory involving location of and correct use of lab equipment and personal protective equipment, location of first aid kit, fire extinguisher and other safety equipment, spill kit and other matters relevant to that lab. this will be undertaken with the supervisor or with the relevant lab manager/ supervisor.


  • Risk Assessments
    • Hazardous Chemical Risk Assessments must be undertaken for each chemcial to be used and for each process to be undertaken in the lab, checked by the supervisor and filed in the register
      • Risk Assessment forms are available under hazardous chemicals


To make comments or suggestions or for further information about WHS in the Faculty please contact Michael Carley x9725.

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