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Faculty of Science

Work Health and Safety - Electrical

The Faculty of Science Electrical Safety Officer (ESO) is Greg Yates, Assistant Manager (Electronics) METS at F9B 107 on phone x 9127 or by email: Greg is available to provide advice on electrical safety issues, investigate electrical hazards and provide general or specific electrical safety induction if required.

Electrical Shock :
Any staff member receiving an electrical shock must be seen by a doctor as soon as possible even if there does not appear to be any injury.
Any equipment that causes a shock or is likely to cause a shock due to damage or inundation must be disconnected and disabled until checked and repaired. Please call Greg Yates on x9127.


  • Induction
  • Electrical Testing and Tagging - see the university Electrical Safety Policy and the Electrical Testing Interval Schedule
  • Standards
    • AS/NZS 3760:2003 In-service safety inspection and testing of electrical equipment. Please contact Greg Yates for information about this standard.

  • Risk Assessment - Modification of Electrical Equipment -

If it is necessary to modify a piece of electrical equipment to meet the needs of research and as a result there is a possibility that the equipment will not pass the annual tag testing:

1. fill in a copy of the Electrical risk assessment form

2. Write up a Safe Working Procedure (SWP) for the modified equipment 

3. Make an appointment and discuss the matter with Greg Yates at METS (Faculty Electrical Safety Officer). It may be that there is a better way to solve the problem.

4. If Greg approves the modification, send both forms to Greg and Michael Carley and Greg will arrange registration and labelling while Michael Carley lodges the SWP.

5. Greg will do an annual inspection on such equipment

6. If the modification is no longer required, the equipment must be made safe again.

Note that Greg will be looking for a good, scientific reason why the modification is required.

The risk assessment form may NOT be used as a way to avoid essential repairs.

 Did you find what you were looking for? For further information, clarification or to make suggestions about this site please contact Michael Carley x 9725.

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