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Faculty of Science

 Occupational Health and Safety - Consultation

Role of the Faculty WHS Committee

The role of the Faculty Work, Health and Safety Committee is primarily to advise management on WHS systems, policy and process matters identified by committee members and staff. You are encouraged to raise such matters with your Department HS Representative and to provide feedback on issues circulated for consultation. Individual hazards identified by staff should be reported to the supervisor in the first instance, using the hazard report form.

Faculty WHS Committee Members

 Committee Member  Department
Norm Pearson Chair
Jo Cuomo Health and Safety Coordinator
Imtiaz Bhayat Faculty General Manager
Karl Lukezic Management Representative
Rekha Joshi Management Representative
Nanette Bertoldo Secretary
Ken Beath Statistics
Len Hamey Computing
Marita Holley Biology
Jenny Minard CBMS and METS
Alamgir Khan APAF
Michael Batanin Mathematics
Sue Law Physics and Astronomy
Wendy Tao Electronic Engineering
Russell Field Environment and Geography
Curtis Rigney Chiropractic
Norm Pearson EPS labs
Nathan Daczko

EPS field work

Mark Tran Teaching CBMS, Biology, Chiropractic
Karl Lukezic Faculty Technical Manager
Rekha Joshi Manager, Technical Staff
Vacant Faculty Admin Office

The committee is there to help.  Please raise any safety issues with your supervisor in the first instance and then your committee member and/or with Andy Holmes, the Faculty OHS Coordinator .


The next Faculty WHS Committee meeting for 2014 will be held at 11AM in E6A242 Conference Room on:

Thursday 6 February, 11:00-1:00, in E6A242
Thursday 8 May, 11:00-1:00, in E6A242
Thursday 7 August, 11:00-1:00, in E6A242
Thursday 31 October, 11:00-1:00, in E6A242


March 2010
June 2010
August 2010
April 2011

June 2011

September 2011

November 2011

March 2012

June 2012
August 2012

November 2012

February 2013

May 2013

August 2013

October 2013

February 2014


Current issues for consultation
Laboratory inspections

To comment on an issue, please contact Jo Cuomo.

To make comments or suggestions or for further information about WHS in the Faculty.


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