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Faculty of Science

Work Health and Safety - Radiation Safety

Radiation Safety Officer
The University Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) is Prof Robert Willows from the Department of Chemistry & Biomolecular Sciences, xtn 8146 or email

Radiation Safety Policy
This is currently under review

The University currently has no specific Radiation Safety Induction. Staff involved in operating equipment that emits radiation should undertake the relevant training required by the Radiation Control Act 1990 and be licensed under the required section of the regulation.

Radiation Legislation
In NSW the NSW Department of Environment and Conservation enforces the Radiation Control Act 1990 and Radiation Control Regulation 2013.
Under this legislation certain apparatus are required to be registered. Also, under this legislation operators of equipment that emit radiation are required to be licensed.

National guidelines are available from the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA).

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