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Faculty of Science

Work, Health and Safety Management System


Hazard Identification and workplace inspections

Workplace Inspection Pack

General forms

The Faculty is continuing its comprehensive review of hazards and assessment of risks. This involves identification of hazards and assessment of risks. It also involves the elimination of risk where possible, or control of risks through changing equipment, materials, work methods or introducing personal protective equipment. .

Workplace inspections are required to ensure a consistent, planned, systematic appraisal of the workplace to identify hazards, assess and rate risks, and implement and review controls.

Workplace inspections are an integral part of the Risk Management Policy, and ensure that the University is able to:

  • display management commitment to health and safety
  • monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of health and safety practices and procedures
  • improve health and safety practices and procedures
  • measure Health and Safety (H&S) compliance
  • check new facilities, equipment, processes
  • identify hazardous conditions and review hazard control measures
  • collect information that identifies potential new safety initiatives
  • maintain interest in health and safety through consultation
  • empower staff to ensure a safe work environment.

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