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Faculty of Science

Work, Health & Safety - Emergencies



Dial EXT 9999 or 0000



Emergencies - Medical/Fire/Assault/Major Chemical Spill
In the first instance contact security on x9999. Report nature of emergency and your location. Security will meet the emergency services at the gate and bring them to your location.

Safety Personnel
- Wardens

- First Aid Officers

First Aid
- Location of First Aid Kits - summary list of where they are and who is the responsible First Aid Officer

- Content of Type B First Aid Kit - list of items to be kept in the First Aid Kit and Officemax Order numbers

- Role Description for First Aid Officer
- First Aid Treatment Register Template goes in first aid cabinet - use to record when someone is treated

Hazard Reporting

Hazard Report Form 



Accident and Incident Reporting
All accidents/incidents occuring on campus or, for employees, on the journey to or from the campus must be reported as follows

1. Call x9999 (on campus) or 000 (off campus) immediately to report serious incidents or accidents requiring ambulance/police or other emergency services
2. Report the matter to your supervisor
3. Receive first aid or medical attention
4. Report the accident/ incident in writing within 24 hours - online written report

Accident and Incident investigation

Accident and incident report Form 

Procedures for making a workers compensation claim for work related injury and the procedure for return to work are availble by contacting Health & Safety Unit

Did you find what you were looking for? For further information, clarification or to make suggestions about this site please contact Michael Carley X 9725

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