Orsola De Marco


A few photos and videos from Kitt Peak (August 02).
WIYN Control Room
WIYN Control Room
O, Andrew and the 4 meter
O, Andrew and the 4 meter
O, Andrew and the 4 meter
Andrew and sleeping Doug
The Moon crescent through the WYIN louvre
The Moon crescent through the WYIN louvre
WIYN and a UFO
WIYN and a UFO
The 4 meter in the sunset haze
The 4 meter in the sunset haze
Petting the 4 meter (again)
Petting the 4 meter (again)
Resting fibers
Resting fibers
A strange phenomenon from the plane
A strange phenomenon from the plane
Storm on the second night
Storm on the second night
The 4 meter from WIYN
The 4 meter from WIYN
Fog in front of NGC7009
Fog in front of NGC7009

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Last Update: 12 August 2002