Orsola De Marco

Friends and Family

Orsola's Family


My mum, Carla Colavolpe, is an antique dealer in Bologna, Italy. She lives in the same town with her second husband, Giancarlo. She has a degree in Law, Fine Arts and she only got one champagne cork away from getting one in Philosophy. She married my dad in 1971 (the same year when she had me - fancy the coincidence!) and divorced him in 1975. She them moved to Bologna with baby-me and since then she lived with Giancarlo whom she only married in 1995. She loves history and philosophy (and tells me off because I do not speak ancient greek fluently!). She is permanently enrolled with the local jim, but I don't think she has ever been in it, she just is not the sporty type!


My dad, Gualtiero De Marco, is a barrister in Padova, Italy. It goes without saying that he has a degree in law. He married my mum when he was 46 years old, which made him a pretty old dad. However he is one of the youngest and most inspiring people I know and has been a model and great support in all the rough moments of my life. He is a keen sailor (although now he considers himself retired), he likes poetry and all the books that I give him. He has a great tie collection!


My chicchi (I just had to invent an equivalent word to mamma and papa), Giancarlo Viaro, is my mother's second husband. He is also an antique dealer, although until 3 years ago he half owned a computer company. He has a degree in physics (which was inspirational). He has been living with my mother and myself since I was 4. He is the most stable point in my life, as he solves all the situations with a smile, never losing his temper. My father likes him very much, and there has never been any friction, on the contrary, we often go on holiday together! He loves old radios (which he can fix like a man of other times) and plays cards.


My lovely bunniger in chickland.

Elliot and Chiara

My son, Elliot, was born on August 1, 2004. My daughter Chiara, followed shortly after, on February 25, 2006.

ResearchRésumé/CVPublicationsAAS '97Brief HistoryFriends and FamilyFun and Hobbies...etc.

Last Update: 6 June 2005