Procedures when Dealing with Plagiarism

See Macquarie University's Academic Honesty Procedure

Penalties for Plagiarism

Offences of plagiarism will attract penalties which may vary from counselling and a warning, the deduction of all marks for the assignment, to failure in the unit and reference to the University Discipline Committee. The penalty will depend upon the extent of the plagiarism, whether it is a first or repeated offence, whether there is evidence of deliberate deceit and whether advantage has been taken of another student.

FlowChart:Procedures To Be Followed In Suspected Cases Of Plagiarism

Seriousness Of Plagiarism

Macquarie University grades plagiarism and other academic dishonest on several levels. See the Academic Dishonesty - Schedule of Penalties page.

The following chart also outlines the different levels of plagiarism.

(Source: Curtin University of Technology)