Research Ethics



Faculty of Science and Engineering has an Ethics Subcommittee that is tasked with reviewing human research ethics applications that are deemed low-risk.


New Applications

Because of changes being brought about by the introduction of PURE, online ethics applications will no longer be happening through RMENet. To lodge an ethics application rom February 2017, please fill in the Macquarie University Human Ethics Application form and to

Your application will be checked and the risk assessed by the Univeristy Ethics Team. If your ethics application is assessed as greater than low risk it will be submitted to the next available HREC meeting. Please see

If your application is assessed as low risk, your application will be forwarded to the Faculty Ethics Subcommittee for review.

The present chair of the Faculty Low-Risk Ethics Subcommittee is Dr Peter Busch.

The Faculty Ethics Committee will need at least 8 working days to review your application and provide approval or request changes. If any changes are required, please allow another 4 days for approval. During peak times the assessments may take longer, so please don’t leave your ethics applications to the last minute.



Once your application is approved, you will be sent a Final Ethics Approval letter. Ethics approvals are valid for 5 years from the day of the approval. It is a condition of all Ethics approvals that a Progress Report is provided every year on the day of approval, and a Final Report is provided in the 5th year on the day of the approval. Please send your Progress and Final Reports to

High-risk and animal ethics approval is provided by the Ethics Secretariat in the University Research Office.



If in the course of these 5 years you require to have any changes in the research that this approval covers, please submit an Amendment Form for the Sub-Committee approval. Progess Report, Final Report and Amendment Forms are available at


Information Sessions

The University Research Office runs regular ethics information sessions throughout the year. These are presented by Dr Kandy White, Director of Research Ethics. Everyone is welcome to attend these sessions.