Information for intending students


I enjoy working with PhD students and I am very proud of my students and their very substantial successes. You can see information about my previous research students elsewhere on this site. They have been conspicuously successful, often winning awards for their dissertations and each has moved on to important and fulfilling careers, usually in academia, ICT research, or the finance industry.

Background required

My students work in highly technical areas, typically on the boundaries of mathematics and information technology, and most often using tools from Category Theory.

Appropriate background includes a degree in mathematics, with substantial studies in abstract algebra, and a strong interest in information technology. Alternatively, very strong students with degrees in information technology and a strong interest in mathematics and a willingness to learn the requisite mathematics may be appropriate.

The environment

Macquarie University is one of the world centres of category theory. Many of the world's best category theorists either work here or visit here frequently, and there is a vibrant group of research students as well as senior academics.

Special arrangements

In addition to normal candidature at Macquarie University I have often supervised students formally enrolled at other Australian universities, and I am available for co-tutelle and other joint supervision arrangements with major non-Australian universities.

Further enquiries

If you are interested in studying with me please feel free to write to me including details about your former academic results and your research interests.