Yan Wang


Research Director, Faculty Centre for Frontier AI Research (CFAIR)
School of Computing
Macquarie University
4 Research Park Drive, Office 354
Sydney, NSW 2109

Tel: +61-2-9850-9539
Fax: +61-2-9850-9551
Email: yan.wang@mq.edu.au

Macqaure PURE Google Scholar


Research Interests: recommender systems, data analytics, trust computing, social computing, services computing

PhD Scholarships

General requirements for Master Research and PhD students can be found here.

Info about cotutelle PhD program (double PhD degrees program, or 双博士学位计划).


Research Supervision and Visitors

Current HDR Students

Completed Students and Postdocs


Selected Refereed Publications

International Journal Articles

  1. P. Ding, Y. Wang, G. Liu, N. Wang, X. Zhou, Few-Shot Causal Representation Learning for Out-of-Distribution Generalization on Heterogeneous GraphsIEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 2025
  2. S. Wang, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, F. Ricci, Trustworthy Recommender Systems, ACM Transactions on Intelligent System and Technology (TIST), 15(4): 1-20, 2024
  3. P. Ding, Y. Wang, G. Liu, X. Zhou, Few-Shot Semantic Relation Prediction across Heterogeneous Graphs, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 35(10): 10265-10280, 2023
  4. R. Lu, W. Zhang, Y. Wang, Q. Li, X. Zhang, H. Yang, D. Wang, Auction-Based Cluster Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Computing Systems, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), 34(4): 1145-1158, 2023
  5. S. Wang, Y. Wang, L. Hu, X. Zhang, Q. Zhang, Q. Z. Sheng, M. A. Orgun, L. Cao, D. Lian, Modeling User Demand Evolution for Next-basket Prediction, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 35(11): 11585-11598, 2023 
  6. P. Ding, G. Liu, Y. Wang, K. Zheng, X. Zhou, A-MCTS: Adaptive Monte Carlo Tree Search for Temporal Path Discovery, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 35(3): 2243-2257, 2023
  7. F. Zhu, Y. Wang, J. Zhou, C. Chen, L. Li and G. Liu, A Unified Framework for Cross-Domain and Cross-System Recommendations, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 35(2): 1171-1184, 2023
  8. G. Sun, G. Liu, Y. Wang, M. A. Orgun, Q. Z. Sheng and X. Zhou, Partition-Aware Graph Pattern based Node Matching with Updates, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 35(2): 1922-1937, 2023 link
  9.  S. Pang, A. Du, M. A. Orgun, Y. Wang, Q Z. Sheng, S. Wang, X Huang and Z. Yu, Beyond CNNs: Exploiting Further Inherent Symmetries in Medical Image Segmentation, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 53(11): 6776-6787, 2023
  10. X. Zheng, Y. Tan, Y. Wang, X. Wei, S. Zhang, C. Chen, L. Li, C. Yang, Finding High-quality Item Attributes for Recommendation, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 35(8): 7980-7993, 2022
  11. S. Wang, L. Cao, Y. Wang, Q. Z. Sheng, M. A. Orgun, D. Lian, A Survey on Session-based Recommender Systems, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), Vol. 54, Issue 7, pp. 1-38, 2021 link
  12. G. Sun, G. Liu, Y. Wang, M. Orgun, Q. Z. Sheng and X. Zhou, Incremental Graph Pattern based Node Matching with Multiple Updates, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Vol. 33, Issue 4, pp 1585-1600, 2021 link
  13. J. Zou, B. Ye, L. Qu, Y. Wang, M. Orgun and L. Li, A Proof-of-Trust Consensus Protocol for Enhancing Accountability in Crowdsourcing Services, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), Vol. 12, Issue 3, pp 429-445, May-June 2019 link
  14. G. Liu, Y. Liu, K. Zheng, A. Liu, Zh. Li, Y. Wang and X. Zhou, MCS-GPM: Multi-Constrained Simulation Based Graph Pattern Matching in Contextual Social Graphs, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Vol. 30, Issue 6, pp. 1050-1064, 2018 link
  15. L. Qu, Y. Wang, M. A. Orgun, L. Liu, H. Liu and A. Bouguettaya, CCCloud: Context-aware and Credible Cloud Service Selection based on Subjective Assessment and Objective Assessment, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), Vol. 8, Issue 3, pp. 369-383, 2015 link
  16. H. Zhang, Y. Wang, X. Zhang and E.-P. Lim, ReputationPro: The Efficient Approaches to Contextual Transaction Trust Computation in E-Commerce Environments, ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB), Vol. 9, No. 1, article 2, 49 pages, 2015 link pdf
  17. X. Zhang, L. Cui, Y. Wang, CommTrust: Computing Multi-Dimensional Trust by Mining E-Commerce Feedback Comments, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), Vol. 26, No. 7, 2014, pp 1631-1643 link
  18. G. Liu, Y. Wang, M. A. Orgun and Ee-Peng Lim, Finding the Optimal Social Trust Path for the Selection of Trustworthy Service Providers in Complex Social Networks, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 152-167, April-June 2013 link pdf
  19. Y. Wang and L. Li, Two-Dimensional Trust Rating Aggregations in Service-Oriented Applications, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), Vol. 4, No. 4, October-December 2011, pp. 257-271 link pdf
  20. Y. Wang and K-J Lin, Reputation-Oriented Trustworthy Computing in E-Commerce Environments, IEEE Internet Computing, July/August, pp. 55-59, 2008 link pdf

Refereed Conference Papers

  1.  X. Yang, Y. Wang, X. Zhang, S. Wang, H. Wang and K. Y. Lam, A Macro- and Micro-Hierarchical Transfer Learning Framework for Cross-Domain Fake News Detection, the ACM Web Conference 2025 (TheWebConf 2025, Web4Good special track), Sydney, Australia, 28 April - 2 May, 2025
  2. Y. Sun, X. Yang, Z. Sun, Y. Wang, B. Wang, X. Qu, LLM4RSR: Large Language Models as Data Correctors for Robust Sequential Recommendation, The 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2025), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, 25 February - 4 March, 2025
  3.  S. Wang, W. Wang, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, H. Liu, F. Chen, A Hierarchical and Disentangling Interest Learning Framework for Unbiased and True News Recommendation, 2024 ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2024), Barcelona, Spain, 25 - 29 August, 2024
  4.  X. Chi, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, L. Qi, A. Beheshti, X. Xu, K.-K. R. Choo, S. Wang, H. Hu, Shadow-Free Membership Inference Attacks: Recommender Systems Are More Vulnerable Than You Thought, 2024 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2024), Jeju, Korea, 3 - 9 August, 2024
  5. R. Xu, G. Liu, Y. Wang, X. Zhang, K. Zheng and X. Zhou, Adaptive Hypergraph Network for Trust Prediction, the 40th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE2024), Utrecht, Netherlands, 13th-17th May, 2024
  6.  Z. Sun, H. Liu, X. Qu, K. Feng, Y. Wang, Y.-S. Ong, Large Language Models for Intent-Driven Session Recommendations, the 47th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR2024), Washington D.C., USA, 14-18 July, 2024
  7. Y. Sun, B. Wang, Z. Sun, X. Yang, Y. Wang, Theoretically Guaranteed Bidirectional Data Rectification for Robust Sequential Recommendation, the 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023), New Orleans, United States, 11 Dec, 2023 - 14 Dec, 2023
  8. W. Song, S. Wang, Y. Wang, K. Liu, X. Liu, M. Yin, A Counterfactual Collaborative Session-based Recommender System, the ACM Web Conference 2023 (TheWebConf 2023), Austin, Texas, USA, 30 April - 4 May, 2023
  9. S. Wang, X. Xu, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, W. Song, Veracity-aware and Event-driven Personalized News Recommendation for Fake News Mitigation, the ACM Web Conference 2022 (TheWebConf 2022, Web4Good special track), Lyon, France, 25-29 April, 2022
  10. F. Zhu, Y. Wang, C. Chen, J. Zhou, L. Li and G. Liu, Cross-Domain Recommendation: Challenges, Progress, and Prospects, the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI2021, Survey Track), Montreal, Canada, 21st -26th August, 2021
  11. S. Wang, L. Hu, Y. Wang, X. He, Q. Z. Sheng, M. Orgun, L. Cao, F. Ricci and P. S. Yu, Graph Learning based Recommender Systems: A Review, the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI2021, Survey Track), Montreal, Canada, 21st -26th August, 2021
  12. F. Zhu, Y. Wang, C. Chen, G. Liu and X. Zheng, A Graphical and Attentional Framework for Dual-Target Cross-Domain Recommendation, Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 17th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-PRICAI2020, Main Track, acceptance rate 12.6%), 11-17 July, Yokohama, Japan
  13. S. Wang, L. Hu, Y. Wang, Q. Z. Sheng, M. Orgun and L. Cao, Intention2Basket: A Neural Intention-driven Approach for Dynamic Next-basket Planning, Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 17th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-PRICAI2020, Main Track, acceptance rate 12.6%), 11-17 July, Yokohama, Japan
  14. L. Tian, X. Zhang, Y. Wang and H. Liu, Early Detection of Rumours on Twitter via Stance Transfer Learning, 2020 European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2020), 14-17 April, 2020
  15. G. Sun, G. Liu, Y. Wang and X. Zhou, Updates-Aware Graph Pattern based Node Matching, the 36th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2020, full paper), 20-24 April, 2020, Dallas, Texas, USA
  16. S. Wang, L. Hu, Y. Wang, Q. Z. Sheng, M. A. Orgun and L. Cao, Intention Nets: Psychology-inspired User Choice Behavior Modeling for Next-basket Prediction, The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2020), 7-12 Feb., 2020, New York, USA
  17. F. Zhu, C. Chen, Y. Wang, G. Liu and X. Zheng, DTCDR: A Framework for Dual-Target Cross-Domain Recommendation, the 28th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM-2019), 3-7 November, 2019, Beijing, China
  18. B. Ye, Y. Wang, M. A. Orgun and Q. Z. Sheng, N2TM: A New Node to Trust Matrix Method for Spam Worker Defense in Crowdsourcing Environments, The 17th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2019, full paper, Research Track, acceptance rate 15%), 28-31 October, 2019. Toulouse, France
  19. S. Wang, L. Hu, Y. Wang, L. Cao, Q. Z. Sheng and M. A. Orgun, Sequential Recommender Systems: Challenges, Progress and Prospects, 2019 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019, Survey Track, acceptance rate 17.6%), 10-16 August, Macau, China
  20. S. Wang, L. Hu, Y. Wang, Q. Z. Sheng, M. A. Orgun and L. Cao, Modeling Multi-Purpose Sessions for Next-Item Recommendations via Mixture-Channel Purpose Routing Networks, 2019 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2019, Research Track, acceptance rate 17.9%), 10-16 August, Macau, China
  21. M. Khani, Y. Wang, M. A. Organ and F. Zhu, Context-Aware Trustworthy Service Evaluation and Recommendation in Social Internet of Things, The 16th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2018, full paper, Research Track, acceptance rate 14.65%), 12-15, November, 2018, Hangzhou, China
  22. F. Zhu, Y. Wang, C. Chen, G. Liu, M. A. Orgun and J. Wu, A Deep Framework for Cross-Domain and Cross-System Recommendations, the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI-2018), Stockholm, Sweden, July 13-19, 2018
  23. D. Dong, X. Zheng, R. Zhang and Y. Wang, Recurrent Collaborative Filtering for Unifying General and Sequential Recommender, the 27th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 23rd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI-2018), Stockholm, Sweden, July 13-19, 2018
  24. G. Sun, G. Liu, Y. Wang, M. A. Orgun and X. Zhou, Incremental Graph Pattern based Node Matching, 34th IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE 2018), April 16 - 19, 2018, Paris, France
  25. L. Qu, Y. Wang and M. A. Orgun, An Uncertain Assessment Compatible Incentive Mechanism for Eliciting Continual and Truthful Assessments of Cloud Services, The 14th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2016, full paper, Research Track), October 10-13, 2016, Banff, Alberta, Canada
  26. J. Zou, Y. Wang and M. A. Orgun, A Dispute Arbitration Protocol Based on a Peer-to-Peer Service Contract Management Scheme, 23rd International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2016, Research Track, acceptance rate 14%, Best Student Paper Award & Top 5 Picks Award), June 27-July 2, 2016, San Francisco, USA
  27. C. Chen, X. Zheng, Y. Wang, F. Hong and D. Chen, Capturing Semantic Correlation for Item Recommendation in Tagging Systems, Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-16), February 12–17, 2016, Phoenix, Arizona USA
  28. B. Ye, Y. Wang and L. Liu, CrowdTrust: A Context-Aware Trust Model for Workers Selection in Crowdsourcing Environments, 22nd IEEE International Conference on Web Services (IEEE ICWS 2015, Research Track, acceptance rate 17.4%), June 27 - July 2, 2015, New York, USA pdf
  29. G. Liu, K. Zheng, Y. Wang, M. A. Orgun, A. Liu, L. Zhao and X. Zhou, Multi-Constrained Graph Pattern Matching in Large-Scale Contextual Social Graphs, 31st International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE-2015), Seoul, Korea, 13-17 April, 2015 pdf
  30. X. Zheng, Y. Wang, M. A. Orgun, Y. Zhong and G. Liu, Trust Prediction with Propagation and Similarity Regularization, AAAI-2014, July 27-31, 2014, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
  31. C. Chen, X. Zheng, Y. Wang, F. Hong and Z. Lin, Context-aware Collaborative Topic Regression with Social Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems, AAAI-2014, July 27-31, 2014, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada
  32. G. Liu, Y. Wang and M. A. Orgun, Social Context-Aware Trust Network Discovery in Complex Contextual Social Networks, Twenty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-12), August 22-26, 2012, Toronto, Canada, pp.101-107 pdf
  33. G. Liu, Y. Wang and M. A. Orgun, Trust Transitivity in Complex Social Networks, Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-11), August 7 - 11, 2011, San Francisco, California, USA, pp. 1222-1229 link pdf
  34. L. Li and Y. Wang, Subjective Trust Inference in Composite Services, the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-2010), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, July 11–15, 2010, pp. 1377-1384 link pdf

Professional Activities

    Journal Editorial Boards

  1. Associate Editor, Frontiers in Big Data, Frontiers, since 2018
  2. Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (TSC), since 2014
  3. Associate Editor, Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences (HCIS), Springer, 2011-2020
  4. Editorial board, Service-Oriented Computing & Applications (SOCA), Springer, 2011-2018
  5. Editorial board, International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology (IJWET), Inderscience Publisher, 2007-2011
  6. Guest co-Editor, special session on trusted computing, IEEE Access, 2017
  7. Guest co-Editor, special track on e-commerce of IEEE Internet Computing, 2008
  8. Keynote and Penalist

  9. Keynote, International Workshop on Self-Managing Pervasive Service Systems (SeMaPS 2012), co-located with the 10th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2012), 12 Nov, 2012, Shanghai, China
  10. Panelist, The 13th IEEE International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems (FTDCS-2011), Banff, Canada, 2-3 September, 2011
  11. Conference Organisation

  12. General co-Chair IEEE ATC-2013, IEEE ATC-2014, IEEE MS2015, IEEE ICWS2016, IEEE CLOUD2017, AWC2018, AWC2019
  13. Program co-Chair IEEE SCC2011, ATC-2011, IEEE MS2014, SCC2018, SOSE2018, SCC2019
  14. Local Organisation Chair: IEEE DSAA2020
  15. Program Vice co-Chair IEEE SOCA'2010
  16. PhD Symposium co-Chair ICSOC2012, ICSOC2016
  17. co-Chair of Application and Industry Track IEEE SCC2012, IEEE CLOUD2013
  18. co-Chair of the Joint Special Track on Pervasive Social Computing @UIC'2010 and ATC'2010
  19. co-Chair of Mobile and Pervasive Commerce Track of ICEBE 2010
  20. Publicity co-Chair, CEC/EEE'08, ATC-09, ATC-2010, SocInfo2011, DFIS-13, TrustCom-2017
  21. Conference Program Committee Member (since 2018)

  22. PC member: TheWebConf 2022, IJCAI2022, ACM SIGIR2022, IEEE ICWS2022, ICSOC2022, ACM RecSys2022, IEEE SOSE2022
  23. PC member: IJCAI2021 (Senior PC), ACM RecSys2021, ICSOC2021, SOSE2021, IEEE ICWS2021
  24. PC member: IEEE SCC2020, AAAI2020 (AI and FinTech track), ACM RecSys2020, ICSOC2020
  25. PC member: ICSOC2019. ACM RecSys2019
  26. PC member: IJCAI2018 (Senior PC), PAKDD2018 (Senior PC), ACM RecSys-2018, IEEE EDGE2018

In my spare time, I'd like to play tennis, badminton or take some pictures. (Hong Kong, Singapore, Italy, Harbin, France 1 and France 2, Sydney 1, 2, 3, 4 and San Diego)

Bio Data