Orsola De Marco

Friends and Family

Chiara coos, Ellie copes.

What Chiara does. New York, March 2006

Chiara and the Totem. Hawaii, April 2006

(Photo by Geoff)

Elliot "Orange Room" class photo. New York, April 2006

(Photo by School Photographer)

Geoff, Carla, Orsola and Chiara before the Luao. Hawaii, April 2006

(Photo by Photographer)

Elliot gets a haricut I. New York, April 2006

Elliot gets a haricut II. New York, April 2006

Elliot and Cody play in Central Park. New York, May 2006

(Photo by Loni)

ResearchRésumé/CV../PublicationsAAS '97Brief HistoryFriends and FamilyFun and Hobbies...etc.

Last Update: 20 May 2006