J. D. Cresser
- Markovian evolution of strongly coupled harmonic oscillators, Chaitanya Joshi, Patrik Öhberg, James D. Cresser and Erika Andersson: Phys. Rev. A90 063815 (2014).
- Using a biased quantum random walk as a quantum lumped element router, Ayeni M. Babatunde, James Cresser and Jason Twamley: Phys. Rev. A90 012339 (2014).
- Quantum probability rule: a generalization of the theorems of Gleason and Busch, Stephen M. Barnett, James D. Cresser, John Jeffers and David T. Pegg: N. J. Phys. 16 043025 (2014).
- Canonical form of master equations and characterization of non-Markovianity, Michael J. W. Hall, James D. Cresser, Li Li, and Erika Andersson: Phys. Rev. A89 042120 (2014).
- Dynamics of correlations due to a phase noisy laser, B. Bellomo, R. Lo Franco, E. Andersson and J. D. Cresser: Phys. Scr. T 147 014004 (2012).
- Comparing different non-Markovianity measures, P. Haikka, J. D. Cresser and S. Maniscalco: Phys. Rev. A 83 012112 (2011).
- Quantum position diffusion and its implications for the quantum linear Boltzmann equation, I. Kamleitner and J. D. Cresser: Phys. Rev. A 81 012107 (2010).
- Master equations with memory for systems driven by classical noise, J. D. Cresser and C. Facer: Opt. Comm. 283 773 (2010).
- Decoherence-free quantum information in the presence of dynamical evolution, P. G. Brooke, J. D. Cresser and M. K. Patra: Phys. Rev. A 77, 062313 (2008).
- Super- and subradiant emission of two-level systems in the near-Dicke limit, Peter G. Brooke, Karl-Peter Marzlin, James D. Cresser, and Barry C. Sanders: Phys. Rev. A77 033844 (2008)
- Adiabatic information transport in the presence
of decoherence, I. Kamleitner, J. Cresser, and J. Twamley:
Phys. Rev. A77 032331 (2008).
- Quantum Cayley networks of the hypercube,
Christopher Facer, Jason Twamley, and James Cresser: Phys.
Rev. A77 012334 (2008).
- Finding the Kraus decomposition from a master
equation and vice versa, Erika Andersson, James
D. Cresser and Michael J. Hall: Phys. B:
J. Mod. Opt. Phys. 70
1695–1716 (2007).
- Micromaser cavity field spectrum by atomic
beam measurements, J. D. Cresser:
J. Phys. B:
At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 39
S733 (2006).
- Measurement master equation, James
D Cresser, Stephen M Barnett, John Jeffers and David T Pegg:
Opt. Comm. 264 352 (2006).
- From measurements to quantum friction,
Stephen M Barnett, John Jeffers and James D Cresser,
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 18
S401 (2006).
- Quantum theory of matter wave detection,
Nicholas K Whitlock, James D Cresser, Stephen M Barnett and John
Jeffers: J. Phys. B:
At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 38
3117 (2005).
- A Quantum Theory of Friction,
S. M. Barnett and James D. Cresser:
Phys. Rev. A72 022107 (2005).
- Geometric phase for an adiabatically evolving
open quantum system, Ingo Kamleitner,
James D. Cresser, Barry
C. Sanders: Phys. Rev. A70
044103 (2004).
- Depolarizing channel as a completely positive
map with memory, Sonja Daffer, Krzysztof Wòdkiewicz, James
D. Cresser and John K. McIver:
Phys. Rev. A70 010304(R) (2004).
- The Spontaneous Decay of a Moving Atom,
James D. Cresser and Stephen
M. Barnett: J. Phys. B36
1755-1759 (2003).
- Ergodicity of Quantum Trajectory Detection
Records, J. D. Cresser in `Directions in
Quantum Optics' ed. by H. J. Carmichael,
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(Springer, Berlin, 2000) pp348-360.
- A Heisenberg Equations-of-Motion Derivation of
Stochastic Schrödinger Equations for Non-Markovian Open Systems,
J. D. Cresser: Laser Phys., 10
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- An Atomic Beam Interferometric Measurement of
the Micromaser Spectrum, J. D. Cresser in
`Frontiers of Quantum Optics and Laser Physics', ed. by
S. Y. Zhu, M. S. Zubairy, and
M. O. Scully (Springer, Singapore, 1997) pp176-179.
- A Quantum Trajectory Analysis of the One Atom
Micromaser, J. D. Cresser and
S. M. Pickles: J. Quan. and
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- Atomic-Beam and Cavity-Field Correlation
Functions in the Micromaser, J. D. Cresser
and S. M. Pickles: Phys. Rev. A50
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- Spontaneous Emission in a Standing Wave Cavity:
Classical Center of Mass Motion, W. Ren,
J. D. Cresser, and
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- Thermal Equilibrium in the Jaynes Cummings Model,
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- Quantum Field Model of Injected Atomic Beam in
the Micromaser, J. D. Cresser:
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- Comment on Theory of Lasers without
Inversion, Shi-Yao Zhu,
J. D. Cresser, and Heidi Fearn: Phys.
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- Time Averaged Properties of the Jaynes Cummings
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- Theory of Electron Detection and
Photon-Photoelectron Correlations in Two Photon Ionization,
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- Unequal Time EM Field Commutators in Quantum
Optics, J. D. Cresser: Physica Scripta T21
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- Intensity Correlations of Frequency Filtered
Light Fields, J. D. Cresser:
J. Phys. B20 4915-4927 (1987).
- On the Lifetime of Excited Atomic States,
J. D. Cresser, A. Z. Tang,
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- Transient Delayed Spectrum of Collision-Damped
Resonance Fluorescence in a Partially Coherent Field,
J. D. Cresser, X. Y. Huang,
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- Electric Field Commutation Relations in the
Presence of a Dipole Atom, J. D. Cresser:
Phys. Rev. A29 1984-1990 (1984).
- Quantum Noise in a Dithered Ring Laser Gyroscope,
W. Schleich, C. S. Cha,
J. D. Cresser: Phys. Rev. A29
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- Theory of the Spectrum of the Quantised Light
Field, J. D. Cresser:
Phys. Reps. 94(2) 47-110 (1983).
- Resonance Fluorescence of Atoms in a Strong
Laser Field, J. D. Cresser,
J. Häger, G. Leuchs, M. Rateike,
H. Walther: in `Topics in Current Physics' ed. by
R. Bonifacio, Vol. 27 (Springer, Berlin 1982)
- Quantum noise in Ring Laser Gyros III:
Approximate Results in Unlocked Region,
J. D. Cresser: Phys. Rev. A26
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- Quantum noise in Ring Laser Gyros II: Numerical
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D. Hammonds, W. H. Louisell,
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- Quantum noise in Ring Laser Gyros I:
Theoretical Formulation of Problem,
J. D. Cresser, W. H. Louisell,
P. Meystre, W. Schleich,
M. O. Scully: Phys. Rev. A25
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- Resolvent Operator Theory of Sequential Quantum
Processes, J. D. Cresser and
B. J. Dalton: J. Phys A13
795-801 (1980).
Updated 6 February 2015