Ingesting the Auslan Corpus into the DADA Annotation Store

less than 1 minute read

Steve Cassidy and Trevor Johnston.

The DADA system is being developed to support collaborative access to and annotation of language resources over the web.  DADA provides a web accessible annotation store that delivers both a human browsable version of a corpus and a machine accessible API for reading and writing annotations.  DADA implements an abstract model of annotation suitable for storing many kinds of data from a wide range of language resources.  This paper describes the process of ingesting data from a corpus of Australian Sign Language (Auslan) into the DADA system.  We describe the format of the RDF data used by DADA and the issues raised in converting the ELAN annotations from the corpus.  Once ingested, the data is presented in a simple web interface and also via a Javascript client that makes use of an alternate interface to the DADA server.

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